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Grupo Roble is composed by members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are committed to help establish Zion through participating in the public sphere. Our work consists in promoting public engagement among Latter-day Saints, especially women and youth, and supporting Saints already active in our societies’ public life. Our initial focus was the countries of the continent’s southern cone, but has extended to the whole region.

We now have members and are planning activities in each country in South America. Since 2018, our partnership with BYU’s Whatley Institution and the support of other entities have made it possible to organize the LDS South American Seminar, an innovative initiative for LDS young professionals and academics. Our growth has led us to establish a charitable organization, the Roble del Sur Foundation, headquartered in Utah, USA. 


We add value to society by strengthening and applying the values of the Restoration in the public sphere and community life across South America.


Our vision is to empower and engage young Latter-day Saint professionals with a vocation for service and leadership – through providing skills, resources as well as by articulating strategic allies – in order for them to promote a positive impact in their communities and build the Kingdom of God in South America.


We believe that, by following the example of Jesus Christ, we will be better servants and positively impact our communities.

We believe that ethics should guide human behavior in all personal and public matters. Thus, we believe in being honest, helping others and taking responsibility.

We recognize each person as a son or a daughter of God and, as such, we nurture respect for everyone regardless of race, creed, ethnicity or political ideology.

We believe that we are living in the last dispensation of times and that fulfilling our mission ultimately helps to build the kingdom of God on earth.

We understand that Religious Freedom is part of a person’s identity. As such, it is a foundational freedom. We believe that if religious liberty is protected in South America, individuals and societies will enjoy greater security, social trust and respect for diversity and social peace.


Romanna is a businesswoman, teacher and consultant on strategic management, family agriculture, microcredit, and urban planning. A native of Brazil, Romanna has worked at her country’s Embassy in Washington DC focusing on trade and commerce and served as Secretary of Social

Welfare, Labor and Housing in Santa Catarina, the state where she lives with her husband Gileno. She ran for mayor of her hometown, Criciúma, where she also was city council member.

In 2011 Romanna became the first Latter-day Saint congresswoman in Brazil. She is a member of the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation and holds a Master of Public Administration from Brigham Young University.

Hugo is a businessman, social entrepreneur, teacher, and carpenter by trade. He is the founder and CEO of INDELAMA LLC, a high-quality wood products manufacturing company of international renown. A self-made man, Hugo is a respected leader among his colleagues in the small to medium enterprise sector and has been awarded several professional distinctions.

He created the only pre-university technical school of its kind in the country, which enrolls students from poor families and has produced several cohorts of STEM professionals. A returned missionary and a former stake president, Hugo was awarded an honorary doctorate by the National University of Lomas de Zamora for his commitment to social causes. He lives in Buenos Aires.

Kent is a recognized policy expert on energy, natural resources and environmental issues with over 30 years of experience in Washington D.C. He has advised Fortune 500 corporations, national trade associations and political campaigns, and served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere under two American presidents.

A native of Utah, he has served two full-time missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South America; in Venezuela as a young man, and in Argentina with his wife Winnie. Kent is a member of the Romney Institute Executive Board at the BYU Marriott School of Business and holds a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University.

Alfredo is an experienced businessman in the technology sector. Having held for decades positions of responsibility at the regional level in South America for international companies such as WordPerfect, Novell and Autodesk, he now works as Area Director of Communications for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay.

During his longtime ecclesiastical service, which included positions as mission and stake president and Area Seventy, he has tirelessly promoted interfaith and intercultural dialogue. A graduate of the University of Buenos Aires, he also holds a Master of Business Administration from the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young University. Alfredo lives in Buenos Aires with Elida, his wife.

Her public experience includes positions in the government of the state of Santa Catarina and as city council member in the city of Palhoça, where she lives with Fabio, her husband. She was named “Ambassador for Peace” by the Universal Peace Federation. Mariah holds a master’s degree in Strategic Management from Santa Catarina State University.

Gabriel is a social and political entrepreneur. He has been an advisor to academic, social and political leaders, at local and national levels, throughout the South, Central and North America. He mainly focuses on development, international trade, and innovation in government and society.

A native of Argentina, he has held several positions in the legislative and executive branches of his country’s government, including Director of Global Affairs at the National Senate. Gabriel has a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University and is married to Alicia.


Grupo Roble is created in Salta, Argentina


Grupo Roble organizes numerous activities with the purpose of providing Latter-day Saints with opportunities to interact with political, business, social and academic leaders. These have included meetings with renown professionals, thinkers, governors, senators, ambassadors, presidential candidates, etc.


Grupo Roble organizes a conference featuring Latter-day Saints holding public office, elected and otherwise. The keynote speaker is the Vicepresident of Argentina.


Grupo Roble assists in the organization of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s presentation at the National Senate of Argentina. 


Grupo Roble organizes together with BYU’s Wheatley the LDS South American Seminar in Buenos Aires. Speakers include BYU professors, and political, business, social and academic leaders from all over the region. The keynote speaker is Elder D. Todd Christofferson.


The second edition of the LDS South American Seminar is organized in Buenos Aires. The keynote speaker is Elder Benjamin de Hoyos. 


The third edition of the LDS South American Seminar is organized online. The Roble del Sur Foundation is established in Utah, USA.


The fifth edition of the LDS South American Seminar is organized in Florianópolis – Brazil. The keynote speaker is Elder D. Todd Christofferson.


Our seminar participants have gone on to serve,  grow and strengthen their communities in numerous meaningful undertakings which include: 

  • The involvement in several political campaigns at city and province levels, including as candidates.
  • The continuation of higher education studies at master’s and doctoral levels.
  • The founding and expansion of several social and charitable organizations.
  • The creation of several chapters of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society.
  • The establishment of a group of South American LDS health professionals.
  • The participation in international professional and academic conferences.
  • The sealing for time and eternity of several couples.
  • The reception of assignments  in church communications and public affairs  at stake, multi-stake and area levels.
  • The acceptance of callings as bishops, stake presidents and RS presidents.


“I attended the Seminar as a medical doctor and politician, and all my high expectations were met. Thanks to what I learned then I now feel I can be a bishop 2.0”

Abelardo Bermeo
Neiva, Colombia
Recently called as bishop



“Attending the Seminar strengthened my testimony of the Restoration. I learned that even small ideas can generate great transformations. I am more proud than ever of being a Mother, a Teacher, and a South American Saint. Those truly were ‘days never to be forgotten!’”

Eliana Cordone
Moreno, Argentina
Currently serving as stake director of communication and public affairs

“The Seminar represented one of the most enriching experiences of my life. It made me understand my ability to help to bring real change in our society.”

Rafaela Campos
Olinda, Brazil
Is a regional leader at OAB (Order of Attorneys of Brazil)

“I used to think the impact I could make in society was minimal. Now I understand it is actually limitless. After learning the stories of how common people became great leaders, I am inspired to leave a similar legacy to my children, my community, my country, and the world.”

Christian Da Silva
Asuncion, Paraguay
Currently serving as stake president

“My association with Grupo Roble and my participation in the Seminar allowed me to combine my faith and my values with the decision to actively participate in the public sphere.”

Jordan D’Angelo
Villa Gesell, Argentina
As a teacher, he specializes in inclusive education

“The Seminar was yeast in my soul’s dough. What my heart tells me is possible now trumps what my mind considered impossible. Together with the time at the Missionary Training Center, this was the best educational experience of my life.”

Carlos Garcia Egures
Maldonado, Uruguay
Recently called as stake president

“This event was something much more profound than a mere academic experience. It was an invitation  to reflect and to make decisions. The experiences shared at the Seminar by brothers and sisters from all over South America have helped me enter life’s most important association, marriage, and to establish my own family.” 

Alondra Friz
Concepción, Chile
Is a newly-wed lawyer

“At the Seminar I met people with shared interests but that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I was inspired and motivated to continue my projects with renewed energy and to take courage to start new ones. The relationships that were born then continue to this day.”

Noemi Lubomirsky
La Plata, Argentina
As a PhD in Mathematics, she teaches graduate engineering students.

“The LDS South American Seminar turned my mind on. Because of it, I have seen the fulfillment of many important promises present in my patriarchal blessing, which I thought I was far away from receiving. Now through my service and example I want to turn on the minds and hearts of others.” 

Juan Beimar Paye
La Paz, Bolivia
Founder and president of the La Paz Chapter of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society

“While participating in the Seminar I received several clear impressions in my mind regarding my personal progress, my professional career and my service to others. I will forever be grateful for this unique and irreplaceable opportunity,  a most important milestone in my life.”

Renan Silva
Recife, Brazil
Attended the Seminar as a recent law school graduate

“The Seminar came to me as an answer to my prayers. Now I have a global perspective and global objectives.  Its impact in my life is unmeasurable, real, and hopeful.”

Marjory Suclle
Arequipa, Peru
Ran for office in her city’s elections in 2018.

“The LDS South American Seminar opened my eyes to understand my potential as a woman who wants to help other women, in the Church and in society. I would describe Grupo Roble’s and the Seminar’s mission with one verb: to lift up.”

Carolina Tello
Huila, Colombia
As a lawyer, she specializes in family law


Your Support

We need all the  support we can get, from prayers and encouragement to publicity and different types of technical support. We are asking for financial support as well. If you want to contribute, please contact us.